Personal / Gas / Pricing

gas distribution pricing

If you use natural gas, you will likely have a contract with a gas retailer for the supply of natural gas to your home or business. Generally, Vector charges gas retailers. Gas retailers then typically bundle the cost of our services along with other costs. These other costs being the purchase price of the gas, transmission services and metering etc. Gas retailers then usually provide you with one monthly bill. Retailers will choose how and when Vector's price changes are passed through to their customers.

Vector’s gas prices are for the service we provide in delivering gas on our gas distribution network. The prices do not include any charge for the delivery of gas on the transmission network.

Our annual price changes are limited to that required to achieve the notional allowable revenue prescribed by the Commerce Commission in its Gas Distribution Services Default Price-Quality Path Determination 2022. That is, the price changes are limited under regulation to inflation (Consumer Price Index) plus any under/over recovery from the previous year (headroom) and any changes in pass-through and recoverable costs such as council rates and statutory levies. It is estimated that our gas distribution charges account for approximately a third of an average residential consumer bill.

See our price schedule effective from 1 October 2023.
See our price schedule effective from 1 October 2024

Our previous pricing schedules are available within our pricing disclosures.