electricity pricing

Vector’s line charges include the cost charged to Vector by Transpower for delivering electricity across the national grid to Vector’s network, and the price relating to the cost of delivering electricity across our distribution network. It is estimated that our line charges account for approximately 35% of an average residential consumer's bill. This includes Transpower's charges which account for approximately 8%. (This is based on MBIE’s Quarterly Survey of Domestic Electricity Prices as at November 2024).

We’re required to set our prices to comply with Commerce Commission (Commission) regulations which include the Electricity Distribution Services Default Price-Quality Path (DPP) Determination 2025. The Commission resets the DPP periodically, with 1 April 2025 marking the start of the fourth 5-year DPP (DPP4).  For the year commencing 1 April 2025 the Commission sets the forecast net allowable revenue a distributor can earn.  On top of forecast net allowable revenue, the DPP allows prices to also change to reflect pass-through costs (e.g. Transpower transmission charges, council rates and statutory levies) and a revenue wash-up from any under or over-recovery of revenue from previous pricing years. 

Generally, we bill our ICP based line charges and grid exit point (GXP) based transmission charges to electricity retailers. Electricity retailers then bill you these charges. Your electricity retailer will determine the basis on which the charges are passed through to you.

See our price schedules effective from 1 April 2024.
See our price schedules effective from 1 April 2025

Our previous pricing schedules are available within our pricing disclosures.

consumer-led pricing design

We are helping to create a new energy future, and pricing plays an important role.  Our current pricing ‘roadmap’ which sets out how we are evolving our prices is located here.