Personal / Electricity / Smart Energy Use


Check you're on the right electricity price plan
If you are a low-use electricity consumer it may pay to check you're on the right price plan - it could save you money. We have worked with your electricity retailer to assist low-use electricity consumers who use less than 8,000kWh per year, by offering low fixed charge price plans.
These plans have a combination of low daily charges and higher variable charges when compared with our standard price plans. This means if you use less than 8,000 kWh per year the low fixed charge plans will be cheaper for you. To check if you're eligible for this plan, visit your retailer's website.
Your electricity retailer should inform you at least once a year about how much energy you use, and whether it may be beneficial for you to switch to a low fixed charge plan.
If you want to know how much electricity you use or which price plan you are on get in touch with your retailer.

Use less power
Our line charges include a variable component. This means, the less electricity you use, the less you pay. For tips on how to use less electricity and save money on your power bill visit EnergyWise.

Smart metering

Manage your power use and save money with a smart meter. Benefits include:
  • An accurate bill that reflects the energy your household has used
  • Better information about your power usage
  • Helps you make changes to ensure more efficient usage
  • No need to give meter readers access to your property
To get a smart meter installed contact your electricity or energy retailer.

Smart EV chargers: if you are an electrician working with our network, click here for important information on network standards when installing smart chargers.