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Trees are a major cause of power outages. Overgrown trees not only cause outages, they also prevent our crews from repairing equipment quickly and delay the process of restoring power.

Managing trees is a community responsibility and by working together, we can help prevent power outages and keep the community safe.
The Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 (Tree Regulations) set out the obligations of tree owners and us. The Tree Regulations prescribe the minimum safe distances for trees growing near network power lines. This distance was increased following a review of the regulations in 2024, and include a new 'clear to the sky' zone. When we see trees growing too close to power lines, we are required to take action by either notifying the tree owner that they are required to trim their trees or trimming them.
Some trees growing outside of the growth limit zone can also cause problems, particularly during a storm. Where we identify trees that could pose a hazard, we may contact the tree owner to work with them to remove the potential hazard. These are typically trees that are weak, fast growing or shed bark.


See something we should know about?

See something we should know about?

If you see a tree growing into our network lines, please report it and we will send someone out to inspect it. You can get in touch with us by email or phone by clicking below