As a property owner you play a key role in helping keep the power on for your neighbourhood.
You may not have realised it but under the Tree Regulations you are legally required to keep any trees located on your property a prescribed distance from network lines.
You can see the full regulations here.
Growth Limit Zone
You must keep your trees and vegetation clear of the growth limit zone around overhead network power lines. The size of the growth limit zone varies depending on the voltage of the power lines. (It's important to note that the Tree Regulations only cover network lines and not your service line).
Our responsibility is to let tree owners know that their trees are encroaching the growth limit zone when we become aware that they are, which we do by issuing tree owners with a “cut or trim notice”. If a tree is encroaching, it must be trimmed back to the notice zone which extends one metre beyond the growth limit zone. This is a minimum requirement, but, to save on ongoing costs it might be more practical to have your tree trimmed further back.

Work near network power lines
Trimming or felling trees around power lines is very dangerous and can result in electrocution or serious injury. Only qualified and approved utility arborists should trim trees within four metres of a network line. We call this the professional only zone.
Utility arborists approved to work within the professional only zone around our lines are:
A tree owner (or unapproved arborist) can only trim a tree when all parts of the tree are four metres or more away from our lines.
Cut or Trim Notice
If we see a tree on your property encroaching the growth limit zone we will issue you with a cut or trim notice advising that the tree (or vegetation) must be trimmed clear of the growth limit zone within a given timeframe.
First cut is free
If a tree has not previously been trimmed by us and is not subject to a separate arrangement with us, then we will undertake the first cut at our cost. We will still require your signature on the cut or trim notice approving access to your property in order to carry out the required work.
We use professional arborists to do this work. In some cases, proper tree trimming techniques require that a tree is cut back further than the notice zone in order to protect the health of the tree. Our arborists will talk to you about this before starting work.
Subsequent trimming is at the tree owner's cost
Following the first cut, the tree owner is responsible for any subsequent trimming and for the cost of that work. If you are required to trim a tree on your property, you must:
Arrange for the tree to be trimmed within the timeframe specified in the cut or trim notice
Employ an approved utility arborist (see list above) to carry out the work
Provide us with at least three working days' notice of the work and tell us the time and location of the work. This is to ensure that all activity close to network lines is adequately monitored.
Non-compliance with a Cut or Trim Notice
If you do not comply with a cut or trim notice within the time period specified, then you could be fined up to $10,000. You could also be held liable for costs if our lines or equipment are damaged by your tree.
We are committed to complying with the Tree Regulations and keeping our network safe. Where a tree owner fails to comply with a cut or trim notice, we will escalate the matter to Energy Safety or, if an imminent risk to persons or property exists, we may carry out an emergency cut or trim. As the tree owner you will be liable for the costs of this emergency trim if you have failed to comply with a cut or trim notice issued for that tree.
Declaring ‘no interest' in trees on your property
If you do not want to be responsible for keeping a tree on your property trimmed in accordance with the Tree Regulations, you can declare ‘no interest' in a tree provided the following criteria are met:
The tree was naturally sown; or
At the time of planting, the property owner (current or previous) reasonably believed that the tree, when fully grown, would not interfere with any power lines or electricity conductor.
If the tree does not meet the criteria set out in the Tree Regulations then the ‘no interest' tree notice will have no effect and your obligations as a tree owner will continue to apply.
To declare ‘no interest' in a tree, you must notify us in writing. If you have already received a cut or trim notice in respect of a tree that you wish to declare ‘no interest' in, then you must provide notice to us within 10 working days.
If we receive a ‘no interest' tree notice, we may remove or trim the tree to an extent determined by us. Please note that the tree may be removed rather than trimmed if it is likely to cause an ongoing problem.
A tree owner is entitled to request a dispensation from a cut or trim notice. If you have already received a cut or trim notice that you wish dispensation from then you must apply within five working days.
When a tree owner requests a dispensation, we will consider the safety issues involved in allowing the tree to encroach the growth limit zone and a formal response to a dispensation application will be sent to the tree owner within five working days of receipt of an application.
If a dispensation is granted, a tree owner is not required to cut or trim the tree within the notice zone, however the tree owner must ensure that the tree does not encroach the growth limit zone beyond the dispensation zone (as agreed with us).
Please refer to the Trees Regulations for further details of dispensation.
Energy Safety is responsible for appointing arbitrators to hear and determine disputes between tree owners and network lines companies regarding dispensation applications. The Tree Regulations provide that a tree owner may apply to an arbitrator to determine a dispute if:
Contact details for the arbitrators can be found on the Energy Safety website.
Plant wisely to prevent future problems
To avoid the risk and future costs of trees growing too close to electricity lines it makes good sense to consider tree species and growth rates carefully before planting new trees or vegetation on your property.
For a list of suitable trees for planting under or near electricity line see our planting guide. For advice on native species most suitable to your region or habitat contact Auckland Council on (09) 301 0101.
We are responsible for:
identifying trees growing inside the growth limit zone and issuing tree owners with cut or trim notices;
providing the ‘first cut', free of charge (unless the tree is covered by a previous arrangement or is part of a horticultural shelterbelt);
escalating matters to Energy Safety if tree owners don't comply with cut or trim notices;
carrying out tree trimming without delay where we determine that there is an immediate risk of danger to people or property from a tree’s proximity to our network lines (this may involve on-charging costs to a liable tree owner).
In addition to the work required by the Tree Regulations, where we identify a tree that could pose a hazard we may contact the tree owner to work with them to remove the threat.
We have contracted Treescape to carry out this work. Their liaison officers will issue written cut or trim notices to tree owners and will correspond directly with residents and/or tree owners. As we do not have contact details of property owners, we request that tenants pass the information onto the property owner.
Care will be taken to manage the appearance of trimmed trees. However the first priority is to meet the requirements of the Tree Regulations and provide safe clearance from lines and equipment.
The techniques used by Treescape follow best practice for utility arboriculture. Sometimes this may mean encouraging the growth of the tree to extend away from lines. We aim to ensure the health of the tree is not compromised and that it still has a good canopy wherever possible.
To avoid the risk and future costs of trees growing too close to electricity lines it makes good sense to consider tree species and growth rates carefully before planting on your property.
See our planting guide for a list of suitable trees for planting under or near electricity lines.